HER RUSSIAN BRUTE by Theodora Taylor $2.99

Her Russian Brute: 50 Loving States, Idaho - Theodora Taylor

Sola: Ivan Rustanov is a total jackhole. He has no conscience, and now he's forcing me to stay in his remote mountain home as his prisoner until Spring. He's no holds barred, and dangerous--the kind of guy you just know has a body count in his back story. He wants me in his bed, but that will NEVER happen. I hate him. Or at least I should. Shouldn't I?

Ivan: A few years ago, having a curvy prisoner in my home wouldn't have been a problem. A few years ago I wasn't broken, damaged beyond all repair. I thought I was dead inside... until she came along and awakened me in a ways I never thought possible. But what happens when her past and mine collide? Can a monster like me ever become the man she deserves?