Pin Ups of The Week! 1930's Romance

You may not find the Great Depression, the rise of Hitler, and start of World War II romantic but what about Big Band Music, Jazz, the end of Prohibtion, the excesses of New York high society? That is all kinds of sexy. 


I know the 1930's isn't as popular with Romance readers as it seems too close and too dark but the time period has a great deal to offer in terms conflict and triumph.


Gangster Culture for those of you in love with Mafia Romance. 




You like a solider hero or heroine? Try the Spainish Civil War, Colombia–Peru War, Chaco War, Second Sino-Japanese War, and the Chinese Civil War as well as the start of World War II. 



Like a naturual distaster to provide an outside conflict? We have the drought causing the Dust Bowl, Santa Cruz del Sur Hurricane Yellow River Flood, Irpinia earthquake, Deep South tornado outbreak, Griffith Park Fire Great New England Hurricane to name a few.


Want powerful historical figures? We have Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Al Capone, Scottsboro Boys, Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sir Earle Page, Emperor Haile Selassie, Führer Adolf Hitler, King George VIBenito MussoliniNeville Chamberlain, Ella Baker, William Randolph Hearst. 




Adore social, migration and political movements to impact a character? Nothing better than the New Deal, Mahatma Gandhi and his followers walk to the salt beds of Jalalpur for Indian Indepenance, 21st Amendment (repeals Prohibtion), Memorial Day Massacre in Chicago, Detroit. Nation of Islam is founded,  White women enfranchised in South Africa,  Irish delgates ask freedom from Britain, Birth Control gets some church support.



Like characters dealing with fame? This is the Golden Age of Radio and the Old Hollywood at its most glamous. Sports are wonderful distraction to such hard time and the big bands really swing. Great books are writtern. The stars that shine are: Jesse Owens,  Clark Gable, Orsen Wells,  Will Rogersm Seabiscuit, Charles Chaplin, James Cagney, The Marx Brothers, Robert Frost, Fred Astire, Ginger Rogers,  Anna May Wong, Fats Waller, Lou Gehrig, Shirley Temple, Greta Garbo, Willa Cather, Bing Crosby...





Love technology?  In this decade, Empire State Building, Hoover Dam and the are completed. The First public Television broadcasts in London. Amelia Mary Earhart disappeared over the Pacific Ocean and the Hinderburg blows up.  Telephone Service from the United States to South America is available for the first time. Lindbergh arrives in NY, setting cross-country flying record of 14.75 hrs. First yellow fever vaccine created. 





Want more  1930's images and great Romance Novels set in the 1930's? Of course, you do!


Visit my Pinterest Board: 1930's