Unusual Shifters in Romance! Worth Reading and Not Just Laughing About.

Troll-y Yours - Sheri Fredricks Bunny and the Bear - Eve Langlais Stone Guardian - Danielle Monsch Eternal Craving - Nina Bangs Size Matters  - Stephanie Julian Storm's Heart - Thea Harrison Replicant - Dani Worth The Starlander Frontier: Starlander's Myth - Melisse Aires Passionate Ink - Jan Springer Hedging His Bets - Celia Kyle, Mina Carter

One of the reasons I like weres or shifters in romance is because animal that the person can turn into adds cultural and character traits to the love story that might not otherwise be there.   


There is a theory that all shifters should be predators but I am not so sure.  I really want Nalini Singh to come through with the non predators Changelings in the Psy/Changeling Series as Romantic Leads.


Here are some great unusual shifters that are not wolves, big cats, snakes, birds of prey, dragons, nor my beloved bears. These are in no particular order. 



1. Troll-y Yours She is a troll (a pretty troll) and he is a Centaur Shifter. 

2. Bunny and the Bear (Furry United Coalition, #1) She is a Saber Bunny Shifter. 

3.Stone Guardian (Entwined Realms, #1)  He's a Gargoyle Shifter. 

4. Eternal Craving (Gods of the Night, #2) He is a Prehistoric Dino Shifter. 

5. Size Matters (Lovers on the Fringe, #1)  He is a Yeti/Bigfoot Shifter.

6. Storm's Heart (Elder Races, #2)  He is a Mystical Thunderbird Shifter. 

7. Replicant (The Kithran Regenesis, #2)  He is a Human Shapershifter. 

8.The Starlander Frontier: Starlander's Myth She is a Griffion Shifter. 

9. Passionate Ink Yep, he is an Octopus Shifter.

10. Hedging His Bets He is a WereHedgehog. 


As always, I would love to hear your recommendations for romance novels with unusual shifters that are worth reading. If you want to vote for the best of the best, go to the Goodreads list: Unusual Shifters in Romance.