Marines: Bulldogs and Jarheads Heroes and Heroines of Romance

A Virgin River Christmas  - Robyn Carr Cover of Night - Linda Howard Fiancé by Friday  - Catherine Bybee The Nerd and the Marine  - D.R. Grady Beast - Pepper Pace Skin Deep (I-Team, #5.5) - Pamela Clare Morning Glory - LaVyrle Spencer Marrying The Royal Marine - Carla Kelly Head Over Heels - Susan Andersen Charmed  - Beth Ciotta
Reblogged from Cat's Books: Romance :

Reblogging for Veterans' Day!


As any service man or woman will tell you, it matters which branch of the military to which you belong. Each has its own culture, history, and habits. 


In this list, I feature romances staring Marines from several eras. 


Here is a little about this fighting force in their own words: 


Our Purpose is Our Promise


We make Marines. We win our nation's battles. We develop quality citizens. These are the promises the Marine Corps makes to our nation and to our Marines. They are the reason for our demanding recruit training process. They form our reputation as America's force in readiness and are honored through the reciprocal commitment, between the Marine and Marine Corps, expressed in our motto: SEMPER FIDELIS.


Our Approach 


Every Marine is a rifleman, trained first as a disciplined warrior regardless of military occupational specialty. This training is key to our philosophy of maneuver warfare. Maneuver warfare combines operational positioning with firepower, demands agile forces capable of quick decision making, and employs the human elements of war—boldness, creativity, intelligence and the warrior spirit. Our combined arms approach multiplies the Marine Corps' strengths by bringing our land, air and sea forces together to achieve every mission. This organization creates a scalable force with incomparable warfighting capabilities. It is the key to winning battles.


Our Mission 


The Marine Corps has been America's expeditionary force in readiness since 1775. We are forward deployed to respond swiftly and aggressively in times of crisis. We are soldiers of the sea, providing forces and detachments to naval ships and shore operations. We are global leaders, developing expeditionary doctrine and innovations that set the example, and leading other countries' forces and agencies in multinational military operations. These unique capabilities make us "First to Fight," and our nation's first line of defense.



I would love to hear from you about your favorite Marines in Romance and if you would like to vote for the best of the best go to this Goodreads list: Marines: Bulldogs and Jarheads Heroes and Heroines of Romance 


I would love to see some lady Marines starring in Romance.


However, there are a number of former female Marines who write in the genre!


Jeannie Blethon-Rigod, USMC, 70-73, Finance

Lisa Cordeiro, USMC, 92-94, Communications

Julia Cummings, USMC, 89-92, Aviation Radio Repair

Stephanie Jacobson, USMC, 93-98, Communications

Christina Milway, USMC and US Army, service years 92-07, Ammunition Specialist

Patricia Wheeler, USMC, 76-79, Accounting








Here are some picture of some real life female Marines. Hurrah!  




Here is a wonderful video telling the history of women in the Marine Reserves in World War II.