Geoducks Are for Lovers by Daisy Prescott Review

Geoducks Are for Lovers - Daisy Prescott

Maggie Marrion is just getting back on her feet after a horrible year, or two, or three. With their twentieth reunion approaching, she invites four of her closest friends from college for a mini-reunion at her beach cabin on Whidbey Island. What she doesn't expect is her best friends Selah and Quinn to play matchmaker. Will Maggie risk her heart and her quiet life for another chance at romance? 

Gil Morrow, former grunge musician turned history professor, joins them as Selah's date for the weekend. With the support of old friends, a few wishing rocks, the world's largest burrowing clam, and a hot lumberjack thrown into the mix, Gil reminds Maggie she isn't too old to fall in love.




This is a slow sweet pull of a romance. The characters are well drawn and well worn with life and love that is rich and deeper.


While the heat level is low, the heart level is high. If you have been looking for a romance and a happily ever after that are tangible you will really enjoy this book that shows there is love for everyone at every moment in our lives.