Best Beta Heros in Contemporary Romance
For me, Beta Heroes are just more interesting. They have facets that will take a lifetime to explore. As a cat, I am infinitely curious so I find this depth of character, this nuance, hot.
Here are some great Beta Heroes from Contemporary Romance. In not particular order because who can expect that of me?
1. Friends Without Benefits by Penny Reid Nico Ex Model/Comedian/Actor
2. Geek with the Cat Tattoo by Theresa Weir Emerson Foshay Guitar Maker
3. CRASH by Pepper Pace Lucas, a young homeless man
4. Control by Charlotte Stein Gabriel Bookshop Assistant
5. Unscripted by Jayne Denker Professor Mason Mitchell
6. Love Kinection by Jennifer James Tom Walker Tech God
7. Imperfect Chemistry by Mary Frame Jensen Walker, College Student
8. Hard Rock Remix by Ava Lore Carter Hudson Rock Star
9. Vision In White by Nora Roberts Carter Maguire English Teacher
10. The Rebound Girl by Tamara Morgan Matt Fuller Grade School Teacher
Okay, so I think teachers and professors are sexy. Sue me.
Favorite Contemporary Beta Heroes that you think I missed?
Vote for the best of the best Contemporary Romance Novel Beta Heroes on the Goodreads list: Best Beta Heroes in Contemporary Romance.
To get even more recommendations, see my Pinterest Board: King of the Betas: Best Beta Heroes in Romance.
Category Romance Beta Heroes have their own list: Best Beta Hero of Category Romance.